Digitalt hovedlyssignal med forsignal på masta.
Produsentens info:
Prototype: German Federal Railroad (DB) standard design block signal. 2 settings: "Stop" - red (Hp0) and "Proceed" - green (Hp1).
Model: The signal has an integrated electronic signal circuit and 1 separate signal decoder. Control of all functions can be done in the digital system with the signal decoder included with the signal, or in conventional operation with a 72760 control box. The signal decoder can be installed under C Track or under the layout. For digital operation, the configuration and the address can be assigned and tested before installation of the signal. Connections for controlling train movements and for 1 distant signal are on the signal decoder. Height without base 78.0 mm /3-1/16".
- Block signal for use on main lines.
- An appropriate distant signal by itself is item no. 76480 and 76481, or a distant signal on the same mast with other signals, item no. 76495 and 76496.

Märklin Tog og Togsett
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