Prototype: Four German State Railroad (DR/GDR) freight cars of various types. All of the cars are loaded with different circus vehicles for Circus Busch, the state circus of the GDR. The cars look as they did at the end of the Eighties.
Model: The set includes two type Kkklms 3440 low side cars and one each type Kls 3360 and 3361 low side car. All of the cars include separately applied truss rods and an attractive load. One car has a type ZT 304 tractor and an open baggage wagon, one car includes two differently lettered camp wagons, one car has two differently lettered wild animal wagons and one car has a closed baggage wagon. Chock blocks and Circus Busch logos for the camp wagons are included. The model of the tractor is from the firm Busch and the circus wagons are from the firm Preiser. Total length over the buffers approximately 59.5 cm / 23-7/16. DC wheel set E700580.
An add-on low side car with vehicles for Circus Busch can be found under item number 45041.The class 254 locomotive to go with this car set can be found under item number 39991.

Märklin Tog og Togsett
Togbutikken har et kjempeutvalg av Märklin lokomotiver, vogner og alt annet utstyr til modelljernbanen. Märklin er verdens største produsent av modelljernbaneutstyr, og Togbutikken er ledende på modelljernbaner av alle merker i Norge. Ta en titt på vårt kjempeutvalg!