Prototype: German State Railroad (DR/GDR) type Ks 3300 and Ks 3301 stake cars with rotating stakes. Both cars are loaded with different circus vehicles for Circus Busch, the state circus of the GDR. Reddish brown basic paint scheme. The cars look as they did at the end of the Eighties.
Model: The type Ks 3300 (later Ks 446) and Ks 3301 (later Ks 447) stake cars with rotating stakes are completely new tooling. Both cars include separately applied brake rigging, brake control elements, and rotating stakes. One stake on each side of the cars is imprinted with the car's number. The load surfaces have the look of wooden planks. There are mounts on the ends of the cars for inserting stakes included with the cars. The buffer heights adhere to the NEM. The type Ks 3300 has separately applied beams and is constructed without a brakeman's platform as well as short end stakes. The car has rectangular buffer plates. The type Ks 3301 has separately applied truss rods and is constructed with an end walkway as well as short end stakes. The car has round buffer plates. One car is loaded with an open baggage wagon as well as a toilet wagon and the other car is loaded with a tent pole wagon. Chock blocks, end stakes, and parts for mounting on the circus wagons are included. Models of the circus wagons come from the firm Preiser. Total length over the buffers approximately 32.5 cm / 12-13/16. DC wheelset E700580.
Additional items with vehicles for Circus Busch can be found in the Märklin H0 assortment under item numbers 45040 and 45041.The class 254 locomotive to go with these cars can be found under item number 39991.

Märklin Tog og Togsett
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