Deutsche Bundespost. N-skala (1/160)
Produsentens info:
Skirted mail wagon of the type Post 4üe of the German Federal Post Office operated by the German Federal Railway.
■ As a supplement to the express train wagon set, item no. 6260004
Following the construction of test wagons in the years 1936-38, the DRG put streamlined express train wagons into service. The windows and doors were installed completely flush in the exterior walls of the wagon; the side walls ran down over the actual end of the wagon and between the bogies. The "skirted wagon" thus achieved substantial reductions in wind resistance. The German Imperial Post and MITROPA also ordered wagons in this new form.
Fleischmann - Modelljernbaner og togsett i toppklasse
Fleischmann er en ledende produsent innen modelljernbaner, kjent for sin presise tysk ingeniørkunst og detaljerte modelltog. Siden etableringen har de levert kvalitet i verdensklasse til jernbaneentusiaster, og tilbyr et bredt spekter av skalaer og produkter som du kan se nedenfor.